A Journey Back to the Start: The Inception of “Behind Enemy Lines”

As I sit down to pen this post, I find myself transported back to the year 2009 when I embarked on a mission that would come to define a significant part of my life. It all began with the launch of “Behind Enemy Lines,” an e-newsletter that marked the inception of my first venture, Bridgehead Consulting. Fast forward to today, and it’s an endeavor that still feels fresh in my memory, despite the years that have passed.

Behind Enemy Lines was, and still is, more than just a newsletter. It was born out of a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to give back to the institution that had shaped my character and future: the Indian defense forces. It was my tribute to the virtues and values instilled in me during my service, which continue to guide my journey.

With this initiative, I set out to bridge the gap between the men and women in uniform and the corporate world. It was a recognition that both sectors could benefit from one another, and the key to unlocking this potential lay in empowering them with the right information. I believed, and still do, that the bridge between these worlds can only be built when both sides are equipped with relevant insights.

In September 2005, after hanging my boots, I took the leap and founded “Bridgehead Consulting.” It was a management consulting firm, based in Hyderabad, with a vision of not just offering business solutions but also acting as a bridge to connect the corporate world with the wealth of talent, dedication, and skills that the defense forces nurture.

Behind Enemy Lines became the first and only e-newsletter in the country dedicated to achieving this vision. It was more than just a one-way communication channel. It was designed to be a two-way forum where people could voice their queries, questions, and concerns. Industry experts and those who had successfully navigated the transition process stepped in to provide answers, guidance, and support.

The newsletter aimed to provide corporate hiring authorities with insights into the capabilities, qualifications, and competencies of defense force personnel. It was about helping them recognize the invaluable human assets that were often overlooked. Each issue featured words of advice and expectations from industry leaders.

What truly sets Behind Enemy Lines apart is that it has always been a cooperative endeavor. Its success and efficiency were, and continue to be, dependent on the initiative and support of its readers and contributors.

Looking back, it’s remarkable to see how much can change in a year. Our visionary team, through dedication and hard work, transformed what was once just an idea into a tangible reality. The first issue of Behind Enemy Lines was a labor of love, representing our commitment to bridging the gap between the armed forces and the corporate sector. It was about empowering both sides with efficient information solutions.

As we move forward, Behind Enemy Lines will continue to evolve. We aim to coach armed forces personnel about corporate requirements and opportunities while simultaneously acquainting the corporate world with the strengths and assets of those who have served in uniform.

In its evolution, Behind Enemy Lines has discontinued in its traditional form. However, we’ve embraced more effective ways to serve our mission. We’ve realized that the world of veterans’ empowerment and transition is dynamic, and we must adapt to provide the best support. Our commitment remains unwavering, but our methods have evolved.

Our mission is to facilitate the smooth transition of armed forces personnel into the corporate world, equipping them with the right information weapons for success. We’re not just an e-newsletter; we’re a management consulting organization that’s here to enrich your career advancement steps.

So, here’s an invitation to all our readers, past and present, to join us on this journey. Share your views, ideas, and suggestions, and we will incorporate them as per your needs. Our expert panel will always be here to attend to your queries and questions.

I’m truly grateful for the timeless efforts of all our contributors, especially industry leaders who have made Behind Enemy Lines possible. Your continuous support is what keeps us going.

As we look ahead, let’s work together to take the Brand – Military Veterans to the heights where every individual from the corporate world would desire to reach.

This is not just my mission; it’s a collective endeavor that we continue to pursue, and it’s as relevant today as it was back in 2009. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

Jai Hind!

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