Writing History: The Story of India’s First Veteran Internship Program

Hello friends, gather around because I’ve got a story to tell. A tale of challenges, innovation, and how a bunch of determined folks helped set the stage for something new and extraordinary.

So, it was the year 2014 when the folks at Goldman Sachs came knocking on our door. They were keen on establishing a veteran internship program in India, a concept that had worked splendidly in their U.S. offices. The idea was fantastic, the potential immense, but there was a giant hurdle in our path.

You see, veterans in India weren’t accustomed to internships. Here, a job offer usually lands on your desk first, and you prove your mettle later. But Goldman Sachs had a different plan. They wanted to recruit after a successful internship period. So, here we were, facing an unprecedented challenge. How do we make this happen?

We could've taken the easy road, sending out online applications and conducting phone interviews. But where's the fun in that? Instead, we decided to go all in, take the high-touch and high-effort route. That's how we roll at FaujNet. We devised a three-step process that would leave a lasting mark.

Step 1 – The Application: We asked potential candidates to submit applications, but not your run-of-the-mill ones. We wanted to know why they were willing to take up an internship that held the promise of a job. We needed to hear their stories, understand their motivation.

Step 2 – The Assessment: For the second stage, we opted for a comprehensive objective and subjective assessment. And we didn’t stop at one location; we held it in Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru. The veterans who made it to this stage had to prove themselves on paper.

Step 3 – The Interview: Finally, the one-on-one interviews. We wanted to meet these remarkable individuals face to face. We wanted to hear their voices, see the determination in their eyes, and understand their journeys.

At the end of it all, we shortlisted 120 out of the 500 who initially expressed interest. From there, Goldman Sachs narrowed it down to 80, and in the end, 12 received job offers. It was a thorough, intense process, one that brought together the best and the brightest.

What made this endeavor truly special was that it was the first time anyone had organized such a detailed assessment for selecting veterans in India. The outcome was like a symphony in perfect harmony. Goldman Sachs got exceptional veterans, these brave men and women were ecstatic with the process, and our team at FaujNet was over the moon.

We had made history, India’s first-ever veteran internship program, and it was a resounding success.

But we didn’t stop there. We continued to help Goldman Sachs find more brilliant veteran talent over the next five years. The program set a precedent, and it was a testament to what can be achieved when you choose the challenging path. It was about commitment, innovation, and recognizing the immense potential in our veterans.

So, here’s to those remarkable 12 individuals who kicked off this journey with us, to the countless veterans who have joined this program since, and to all those who believe that a little extra effort can lead to extraordinary results. Here’s to pushing boundaries, making history, and showing the world what veterans are truly capable of.

This is Capt. Venkat, signing off with a story that’s close to my heart. Until next time, stay resilient, stay innovative, and keep believing in the extraordinary.

Do you have a story that you’d like to share? Tell me about your achievements and the challenges you’ve faced along the way. I’m all ears, ready to celebrate your journey.

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